Codeblocks compiler setup
Codeblocks compiler setup

codeblocks compiler setup

after installing dmd2, install the "codeblocks" debian package (No download necessary it's in the standard repositories, so "sudo apt-get install codeblocks" will do fine).

  • Download and install Debian package for D compiler ] (32bit) or ] (64bit).
  • Installation instructions / Howto for Debian/Ubuntu/Mint
  • There is a detailed description on the codeblocks wiki related to your os.
  • $ svn co svn:///codeblocks/trunk codeblocks
  • By performing these simple steps you nightly is ready to roll.
  • unzip both dll's : requirement : they need to be in your PATH, most easiest is to unzip both of them into the same directory where you unzipped the nightly, so they reside next to the codeblocks.exe.
  • All 3 of them are available in their own zip file, zipped by using the free and excellent 7-zip (Just get your copy of 7-zip for unzipping.
  • Those are the 3 things we need to install and start up a nigthly build.
  • To-do list managment with different user.
  • Open files list for quick switching between files (optional).
  • Code completion (works partially, based on the similarity to C++).
  • Code folding for C++ / D and XML files.
  • Syntax highlighting, customizable and extensible.
  • codeblocks compiler setup

    User-defined watches (support for watching user-defined types through scripting).Display local function symbols and arguments.Breakpoint ignore counts (break only after certain number of hits).Breakpoint conditions (break only when an expression is true).Data breakpoints (read, write and read/write).Also supports MS CDB (not fully featured).Inter-project dependencies inside workspace.Workspaces to combine multiple projects.Support for parallel builds (utilizing your CPU's extra cores).Very fast custom build system (no makefiles needed).No interpreted languages or proprietary libs needed. Runs on GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, FreeBSD (uses wxWidgets).

    Codeblocks compiler setup